ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (Aviation_FDC)

Air Accident Zone (0)
Clear Zone Clear Zone
Military Operations Area (1)
Military Training Routes (2)
Instrument Route (IR) 801 (Floor Varies) Instrument Route (IR) 801 (Floor Varies)
Visual Route (VR) 1800 (Min Floor 500 AGL) Visual Route (VR) 1800 (Min Floor 500 AGL)
Visual Route (VR) 1801 (Min Floor 300 AGL) Visual Route (VR) 1801 (Min Floor 300 AGL)
Visual Route (VR) 724 (Min Floor 100 AGL) Visual Route (VR) 724 (Min Floor 100 AGL)
Visual Route (VR) 725 (Min Floor 100 AGL) Visual Route (VR) 725 (Min Floor 100 AGL)
Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Relevancy Area (3)
Controlled Airspace (4)
Restricted Airspace (5)
Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield (6)
WSAFF Radar Approach Control Airpsace (7)
WSAAF Part 77 Imaginary Surfaces (8)
Ground Ground
7:1 Upward and Outward From Adjacent Surface 7:1 Upward and Outward From Adjacent Surface
690-740 690-740
740-790 740-790
790-840 790-840
840 840
840-890 840-890
840 -1190 840 -1190
890-940 890-940
940-990 940-990
990-1040 990-1040
1040-1090 1040-1090
1090-1140 1090-1140
1140-1190 1140-1190
1190 1190
KART Part 77 Imaginary Surfaces (9)
7:1 Upward and Outward From Adjacent Surface 7:1 Upward and Outward From Adjacent Surface
300-349 300-349
350-399 350-399
400-449 400-449
450-499 450-499
478 478
479-499 479-499
500-549 500-549
550-599 550-599
600-649 600-649
650-699 650-699
700-749 700-749
750-799 750-799
800-849 800-849
850-899 850-899
900-949 900-949
950-999 950-999
1000-1049 1000-1049
1050-1099 1050-1099
1100-1149 1100-1149
1150-1199 1150-1199
1200-1249 1200-1249
1250-1299 1250-1299
1300-1349 1300-1349
1350-1399 1350-1399
1400-1449 1400-1449
1450-1499 1450-1499
1500-1549 1500-1549
1550-1599 1550-1599
1600-1649 1600-1649
1650-1699 1650-1699
1700-1749 1700-1749
1750-1799 1750-1799
1800-1849 1800-1849
1850-1899 1850-1899
1900-1949 1900-1949
1950-1999 1950-1999
2000-2049 2000-2049
2050-2099 2050-2099
3000-3049 3000-3049
3050-3099 3050-3099
4000-4049 4000-4049
KART 77 High Risk Area (10)