AgDistrict1_Dissolved (1)
| Ag District 1 |
AgDistrict2_Dissolved (2)
| Ag District 2 |
Ag Valuations (3)
Bridges (4)
| New or Minor Deterioration |
| Corrective |
| Priority |
| Closed |
Hydric Soil (5)
| All hydric |
| Partially hydric |
Prime Farmland (6)
| All areas are prime farmland |
| Prime farmland if drained |
| Farmland of statewide importance |
Project_Referral_Required (7)
Soil_Not_Suitable_For_Cultivation (8)
Soil_Suitable (9)
Wetland 100 Foot Protection Zone (10)
Farmland_Classification (11)
Brasher (13)
| Hamlet |
| Resource Conservation |
| Rural |
| Rural Place |
Brasher Flood Zones (14)
Canton Town (15)
| <all other values> |
| Commercial |
| Hamlet Zone |
| Rural Zone |
| Residential Zone |
| Wildlife Management Zone |
Canton Village (16)
| <all other values> |
| Business |
| Retail Commercial |
| General Commercial |
| Commercial Park |
| Commercial/Light Industrial District |
| Manufacturing |
| Open Space |
| Planned Commercial |
| Planned Manufacturing |
| Planned Residence |
| Residential Single Family |
| Residential General |
| University |
Colton Town (17)
| <all other values> |
| Community Center |
| Colton Hamlet |
| County Reforestation |
| Forest Managemtn Park |
| Open Countryside Park |
| Rural Industrial |
| Residential Recreational |
| Residential Rural Park |
| Residential Town |
| South Colton Hamlet |
| State Park |
| State Reforestation |
| State Wild Forest |
Edwards (18)
| <all other values> |
| Residential Hamlet |
| Commercial |
| Residential Agricultural |
Governeurn Town (19)
| <all other values> |
| Intensive Development |
| Rural |
| Resource Protection |
Gouverneur Village (20)
| <all other values> |
| Central Business District |
| Highway-Commercial District |
| Industrial District |
| Residential District One |
| Residential District Two |
| Residential District Three |
| Residential Business |
Heuvelton (21)
| Commercial |
| Downtown Commercial |
| Industrial |
| Residential |
Louisville (22)
| <all other values> |
| Community Center |
| General Commercial District |
| Public Lands and Water District |
| Residential District |
| Residential Agricultural District |
| Resort Residential District |
| Scenic Preservation District |
Madrid Town (23)
| R-H: Residential Hamlet |
| C-B: Commercial Business |
| C-R: Commercial Residential |
| C-I: Commercial Industrial |
| R-A: Residential Agricultural |
| O-S: Open Space |
| L-C: Land Conservation Overlay |
Massena Town (24)
| <all other values> |
| Highway-Commercial |
| Industrial |
| Neighborhood-Commercial |
| Single-Family Residential |
| Residential-Agriculture |
Massena Land Conservation Overlay (25)
Massena Overlay Districts (26)
| Planned Development |
| Waterfront Revitalization |
Massena_Village (27)
| <all other values> |
| Commercial Auto-Related District |
| Central Business District |
| Commercial Transition District |
| Greenbelt Preservation District |
| Planned Commercial District |
| Planned Industrial Development |
| Residential A District |
| Residential B District |
| Residential C District |
Morristown Flood Zone (28)
Morristown Town (29)
| Commercial, Hamlet |
| Residential, Hamlet |
| Residential-1, Town |
| Residential Agriculture, Town |
| Shoreline, Hamlet |
| Shoreline, Town |
Morristown Village (30)
| <all other values> |
| Commercial |
| Residential |
| Shoreline |
Norfolk (31)
| <all other values> |
| Commercial Business |
| Commercial Highway |
| Commercial Industrial |
| Planned Development |
| Residential Agriculture |
| Residential Hamlet |
Norwood (32)
| <all other values> |
| Single Family Residences |
| One and Two Family Residences |
| Commercial Center |
| Commercial Industrial |
| Land Conservation |
Ogdensburg (33)
| <all other values> |
| Business District |
| Industrial Institutional District |
| Moderate Density Residential District |
| Mobile Home District |
| Planned Development District |
| Residential-Business Mixed Use District |
| Single Family Residential District |
Parishville (34)
| <all other values> |
| Adirondack Park Moderate Intensity |
| Adirondack Park Resource Management |
| Adirondack Park Rural Use |
| Adirondack Park Wild Forest |
| Central Business District |
| Commercial District |
| Hamlet |
| Planned Unit Development |
| Residential |
| Rural |
Pierrepont (35)
| <all other values> |
| Agricultural Residential |
| Hamlet |
| Open Countryside |
| Resource Protection |
| Rural Residential |
Potsdam Town (36)
| <all other values> |
| Community Center |
| Coordinated Development |
| Highway Development |
| Residential District |
| Residential District |
| Residential Agriculture |
Town of Potsdam Land Convservation Overlay (37)
Potsdam Village (38)
| <all other values> |
| Aviation District |
| Business District |
| Light Business District |
| Business and Light Industrial District |
| Central Business District |
| Health Care Zone 1 |
| Health Care Zone 2 |
| Innovation District |
| Industrial District |
| Natural Conservation District |
| One Family Residence District |
| Two Family Residence District |
| Multiple Family Residence District |
| Group Dwelling District |
| Institutional and College District |
Village of Potsdam Land Conservation Overlay (39)
Rensselaer Falls (40)
Stockholm (41)
| <all other values> |
| Community Center |
| Commercial District |
| Rural District |
Stockholm Lighting District (42)
Stockholm Sewer District (43)
Waddington Town (44)
| <all other values> |
| Limited Development Area |
| Natural Resource Area |
| Rural Development Area |
Waddington Village (45)
| <all other values> |
| General Business |
| One and Two Family Residential |
| Multiple Family Residential |
Waddington Waterfront (46)